FFMA Membership
Become a Member!
Become a member of the Florida Farmers’ Market Association and join a growing network of farmers’ markets across the state!
What to expect from a membership:
- Inclusion on FFMA’s interactive map on our website as well as FFMA’s market profile page
- Access to resources for the creation of new markets
- Access to resources for existing Florida farmers’ markets
- Technical support to vendors wishing to ensure safe, fresh and local products to their customers
- FFMA members are entitled to use of the association’s promotional materials to display online, on social media, at markets, or any promotional materials
- Statewide promotion of your farm, enterprise, or farmers’ market through FFMA’s website, social media networks, and monthly e-newsletters
- Exclusive networking opportunities among vendors and farmers’ market managers including our annual statewide meeting and our online market manager discussion group
- Free and reduced-rate access to training opportunities throughout the state
- A state-level advocate on policy effecting farmers’ markets and up-to-date information on legislative updates
- Access to FFMA’s marketing & promotional guides and materials
- FOG’s newsletter including updates on policy, events, grant opportunities, and more
- Access to FFMA staff to answer your questions
- Be the first to know when markets are opening and looking for new vendors