Business Management
Like any successful business, a farmers' market business demands best business practices will not only strengthen your farmers' market business, it will also allow you to stay informed on the health of your business as it grows. The business management guides here provide information and resources to ensure your business is running smoothly.

Cottage, Retail, or Wholesale
Deciding how to sell your product helps determine the need for extra permits and regulations

Sales Venues
A sales venue refers to the location where products are sold. The right venue plays a key role in the success of a new farmers' market business

Business Plans
A business plan, or prospectus, is a planning framework used to design a new food business or develop an existing food business

Financial Plans
A financial plan is key to a farmers' market business as it identifies and describes the current financial status of a business and as a prediction of the future financial performance

Starting a farmers' market business requires meeting some business registration and licensing obligations in order to legally operate in the State of Florida

Point of Sale
The point of sale is the time and location where a transaction occurs. The goal for every business is to increase the number of transactions and the total amount of each sale

Public Benefits
A farmers' market has real value when it includes all members of the community, and accepting public benefits allows every farmers' market business to be accessible and inclusive for everyone